Showing posts with label Planes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planes. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I'd Love to Learn

I'm 26 and I'm not hiding my age...!! Moreover, I find the notion of not revealing your age stupid. Or, maybe, I'm not in that age yet where you find a need to hide your age.
So, all this being said, I was thinking on my birthday and ever since, there are so many things in this world I have yet to experience or rather learn. There are so many things I have yet to discover and find out whether I am that stuff or not. It could be any essential things to learn to plain lame. 
Therefore, after a lot of mind wrenching search for an almost perfect list of options for me, I came up with a list of 25 things I'd love to do/learn/accomplish by the time I turn 30. 
And, before I jot down the list, please someone make me learn "How not to procrastinate?". I've been putting off writing this post. It was supposed to come out a month ago!! However, here it is. 

First, I'd share all the life essential things I should know and I should have learnt a long time ago in order to be self-dependent and to be able to save myself in certain situations. But, as you see, I survived till now, still I'd like to learn them. After all, self-reliance is the key to be productive.

1. Driving: Cars and Scooters. Both!! Okay, I know the basics of car driving. I also started learning it, but it ended as soon as it started. My Dad had time early in the morning to teach me how to drive,and the rest I don't really have to tell you. And, I love to ride a bicycle, but God knows what happens to me when I'm on a scooty. So, I have to learn it some time soon!

2. Swimming: 71% of the Earth's surface is covered with water. Learning to swim might be a good idea. It would be good to know swimming for health & fitness as well as I won't be the one drowning in some water body.

3. Self-Defense: Ok I won't be running with a bow-n-arrow..!! :D By this I mean I'd like to learn some marshal arts self defense techniques in case I am in a compromising situation. When I was a kid, maybe in 3rd Std., we were made to learn Taekwondo for around 2 months for the Annual School Sports Day. My Mom still has the certificate safely put somewhere. Those 2 months!!

Hey, there's a creative side to me as well.... Though you can do these things on your own, its good to learn the technicalities that go into it and certain nuances that come with deep knowledge and some basic rules that you won't know otherwise.So it follows....

4. Guitar/Any Musical Instrument: I would love to be known as a Rockstar, though that's not happening. I'd like to be able to play at least one musical instrument, preferably guitar, to put my words into music. One instrument, with all my heart.

5. Painting & related Fine Arts: My love of brushes, and putting them into some use, has never died down. I painted a couple of oil paintings and some drawing and sketching, but did not have any dedication in that field after they were done. I'd love to paint a marvelous piece of art and take all the credit for it!

6. Different Languages: I know English and Hindi, know quite a bit Urdu, and I recently started learning Spanish. Let's see how far I would go in learning and speaking it. Then there's a list of more languages I would learn. To be able to speak general languages would be good when I travel the world! And its nice to communicate.

7. Dancing: Ok, not the disc dance, some quality dancing with pleasant moves. I've always envied people who can dance so well that you just want to watch more of it. I'd love to take some couple dancing classes with my husband (even when I know we would be rejected in most of them due to the difference in our heights).

8. Calligraphy: Isn't it lovely when something is written beautifully? Not the feelings but when its good just by its look...! When something is written in a good hand-writing or font (for my more technical buddies), even the crappiest of things would look nice. I have a good hand-writing so I gather it would be easier for me to learn the art of calligraphy and write my words elegantly!!

And the adventure begins!!  There's a kind of daredevilry infused in me somehow. Just watching something exciting gives me a rush. So, some adventures i'd like to have:

9. Adventure Sports: The list is too long for all of them. I'd like to experience them in this lifetime. And, would take precautions and proper safety measures and keep my fingers crossed that I don't get into an accident.

10. Photography: A picture's worth a thousand words. I'm not going to start a Facebook page but would definitely click some great pictures. Who knows what's in store for me!

11. Horse Riding: When I was a kid I had a poster of galloping white horses in my room, and the fascination has continued ever since. Maybe I'll own a ranch someday. ;)

12. Flying a Plane: That  would be  a big one! Always dreamt of flying, but as that is not humanly possible, it would at least be great to be in control.

13. Bartending: A good drink helps you unwind. As you see, it is so important! The right amount and taste would work wonders. Mixing spirits and losing yourself..!! :D

Women are inherently thought of as good homemakers. I mess up everything. So, I want to prove to myself that I can do good. These would be some things which I think every woman should know.

14. Cooking & Cuisines: Though I'm just one year old in proper cooking, I've come up to a decent level in preparing a meal. I'd definitely love to experiment and learn different ways to garb the mundane food items. And, I'd like to find certain recipes which my picky eater of a husband would gobble up. Although its far-fetched, I'd love to serve a seven-course dinner and exclaim Bon Appetit!!

15. Cake Baking: With cooking comes dessert, and with dessert there's Cake! I love love love eating cakes and pastries. They are always so tasty. I've already mentioned Cooking, but, this takes another spot as its not just baking, I'd like to learn the whole process that goes into making a cake look good after it's been baked. All the yummy icing and fondue and designs are just mesmerizing to me. This is somewhere on the top of my list.

16. Interior Design & Decor: This came to my mind as a good thing to know when I was given a small task of picking colors and matching decorative furniture and pieces at my in-laws. I was clueless at this and even after a lot of research and hopping on palettes and colors, I was still not sure of the choices I had made. A lot of style and knowledge of texture, finish and current trends makes the rooms look amazing. I learnt a few good things and a lot of dos and don'ts while on that project. Therefore, I'm looking further to cultivate it.

17. Gardening: Much talk of indoors above, now we move outdoors. Gardening would be a fun thing to learn. I'd rather have a lawn with flower beds than a backyard veggie and fruit orchard. (That would be quite too much for me I guess, or maybe I'll do these for starters and learn further gradually). All in all, a nice way to pass your time if you are not allergic to mud. (I may be)

18. Sewing, Knitting & Embroidery: Sewing and embroidery, I know the basics, maybe a tad bit more. Knitting, I don't even know how to correctly hold the needles and pull yarn on it. And, who does that anymore? Well, that's exactly the reason I'd like to learn doing all this. I'll preserve this art form! ;)

Now there are somethings I'd like to do solely for myself. Somethings that would not take too much of my daily time and would make me feel good about myself. I want to make my way of life, I want to change my way of life!

19. Gymming, Yoga & Being Fit n Healthy: I need to get up early in the morning! The thing is, when you can eat anything and everything you want and don't put on any weight, you just don't care about it. And, that's the problem with me. And, I know it would come to bite me in the bum some time when I'm older. Therefore, I'm trying hard with the first step, everything will follow on its own!

20. Make-up & Hairstyling: Watch as many tutorials you wish, you'll only learn by practice! Everybody wants to look good all the time. I wish no bad hair days for everybody. :) (I had like a whole year of that at one point) And, I wish to look fabulous in every aspect. I'll learn it eventually!

21. Reading More: This is self explanatory! I'd want to read more to be able to appreciate the beauty hidden in the books and to be able to write and express myself more effectively. This is one of the best things I had learnt at a very young age and I still abide by it. I'd love to devour what all the amazing books have to offer me!

Here now I share my dreams, something like my bucket list....

22. Writing a Book: I don't know what I'll write about, but I surely know I'm going to write something awesome! Something that is worth reading, if not many times, at least once. Something, that people might relate to, that touches the heart. Something, that's captivating as well as endearing!

23. My Own Radio Station: Music flows in my blood! I'll have a radio music station that would play the greatest numbers of all time. It would be great! And I would be the RJ...

24. Theater Acting: It would be so cool to act on a stage. I'd love to do that. It's just marvelous to see all the emotions and action that happens on a stage. Just mesmerizing. I'd like to learn how to control my laughter and emote accordingly. Another way of telling the story!

25. Traveling the World: This holds the biggest charm for me! Seeing new places, doing new things, eating something different. I want a sense of Wonderment!!

So this completes my list for now. Hope you liked it and got some ideas from it as well.
I'm still in search of the 26th and would like some suggestions!! Please comment....
Till then enjoy this song...ROAR!!!!!!!!